
Current position

I’m currently doing a Postdoc in Montpellier (France) at the Center for Evolutionary and Functional Ecology (CEFE - CNRS) where I finished my PhD in October 2021. With Aurélien Besnard, we try to develop integrated models that can accommodate multiple ecological datasets collected to estimate space used by seabirds and migratory birds in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea). This is the Migralion project.


Previously, I did a PhD at the University of Montpellier supervised by Olivier Gimenez and Hélène Labach from the MIRACETI NGO, we aimed at understanding how data collected by networks of marine protected areas can inform large-scale ecological indicators, focusing on the Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the French Mediterranean Sea as a case study. This is a joint work with collaborators from the MIRACETI NGO. For more details, have a look at my PhD project. With a generalist background in ecology, I specialized during my Master degree in statistics and modelling. After a project on wolf recolonization in the Alps, I decided to explore the human dimensions of conservation, and to get a training in social sciences. I worked with Beatriz Arroyo, François Mougeot, Miguel Delibes-Mateos in Spain doing interviews of various stakeholders in rural Spain to investigate conservation conflicts. Since then, I have been really enthusiastic about multidisciplinary research environments, especially targeting applied topics on biodiversity conservation and management.

For more details about my academic background, visit the dedicated page

Non-academic skills

Recreational outdoor

Trekking trip, Scuba-diving, Wildlife watching & photography, Love and played Football & Rugby, Recurrent Scotland visitor 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Drink beers in French, English, and Spanish

Field work enthusiast

Bottlenose dolphins photo-identification, Mexican Spotted Owl nesting sites monitoring, leading social interviews, working with local communities in NW Madagascar, volunteer in other small field work projects (e.g. bats, and birds catching)

Pic St Loup, from Lansargues, France