During my Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral position, I mainly investigate two main research questions:
- Understanding stakeholders perceptions of wildlife adaptive management.
- Studying the role of statistical models in the construction of reliable ecological knowledge.
Meanwhile, I also participate in side-projects, for example:
- Investigating short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) migratory behaviour, working with François Mougeot.
- Investigating hunter’s preferences for the management of the Egyptian mongoose expansion in Spain.
- As a previous postdoc at the CEFE in Montpellier, I worked with Aurélien Besnard as a member of Human-Animal Interaction group. I was onboard the Migralion project with France Energies Marines, an ambituous research program funded by the French Biodiversity Office aiming at studying birds migration in the Gulf of Lion (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea). I was in charge of developing integrated models combining telemetry, counts, and radar data.
- Understanding the role of ecological monitoring in the functioning of Marine Protected Areas of the French Mediterranean Sea (more details here)
- Developing integrated models to combine distance sampling and Spatial-Capture Recapture data from bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).
- Understanding conservation conflicts associated with rodent outbreaks in farmland areas (more here).
- Mapping wolf recolonization in France accounting for species misidentification and including uncertain data (more details here).
- Around 200h of teaching in ecology, statistics, and wildlife management at the University of Montpellier, France.
- Workshop about Introduction to Bayesian statistics for ecologists in IREC-CSIC, Spain (materials here)